Israeli Juggling Convention
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 2662

The convention site will be a closed area that will only be open to people wearing a convention bracelet. Bracelets will be available at the registration desk which will be located at the entrance by the bridge at the far end of the parking lot. The convention bracelets are non-transferable and may not be removed and given to someone else. One may
Restaurant Jugglers
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 3479

Original article HERE
Written by: David Cain
At the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century, a very popular type of juggling act was done by “Restaurant Jugglers.” Restaurant jugglers did their act in the setting of a high class restaurant, with both the customers and waiters eventually juggling anything and
Juggling to stardom
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: Spettacoli, Tournè e Kermesse
- Hits: 2698

Vladimir Pestov has deep roots when it comes to Cirque du Soleil. Pestov is a juggler who performs in Cirque du Soleil's Dralion, which begins a five-day, seven-show run at the Brandt Centre on Dec. 10. But his connection with the world-famous troupe goes back into his childhood through his parents, Natalia Pestova and Alexander Pestov.
The c
PlayThink Movement & Flow and Arts Festival
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 2489

PlayThink is a family friendly celebration of Art, Sustainability, Music, Performance, FLOW, and Life itself. The PlayThink Movement is an inclusive, participatory, community and family oriented culture of vitality, fun, and well-being, rooted in the belief that each of us has the power to re-shape our own experience mentally and physically to liv
Brückler Frühsommer Jonglierconvention
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 2032

The convention will take place early summer with the common circus days for children organized by the association for artistic diversity, which was established for this purpose in 2014 to life. The assosiacion forma artistic diversity organizes for the first time the children and youth circus days. There will be a circuspedagogic offer for