Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

Manuale in PDF su come giocolare con le clave
Well, in case you need another reason apart from "it's fun!", you'll be amazed at how much exercise you'll get from playing with a kendama. When using the correct stance, just 10 minutes will get your heart pumping, and a half hour session of serious practise will leave you in need of a sit dow
all the ones with whom i shared my time playing kendama in italy really don't need this anymore :) we must keep in consideration it's a starting point for everyone ...
Hey KendaMaLAYSIANS! This site is dedicated to all the Kendama fans out there. You'll get updates on available stocks, upcoming events, reports, videos, photos and many other stuff related to the Kendama movement in Malaysia. It is a really fascinating game to pick-up. You can Kendama almost.
A kendama (けん玉) is a Japanese toy consisting of a hammer-shaped handle connected by a string to a ball. Made of wood, the ends of the base and the crosspiece of the hammer are cupped so that they can catch the ball, and the ball has a hole in it that can fit on a spike on the end of the...
This stylish Kendama is an extremely addictive wooden skill toy that comes from Japan. It strengthens hand eye coordination, balance, and reflex. It can be played by young and old alike. There are endless trick possibilities for both the beginner and the seasoned master...
Molti possono pensare che Kendama sia stato inventato in Giappone, ma non è così. Esistono molte teorie, ci sono documenti che indicano che la Kendama è nata in Francia nel XVI secolo. Ci sono anche delle teorie che dicono che questo gioco è stato sviluppato in Grecia o in Cina, ma non si....
Welcome to the Kendama World! Following the success of and, I have opened what I believe is the first European online store dedicated to Kendama. As always, I really welcome feedback from my customers. If you have any questions, suggestions or requests please...
About Kendamanation Focus - Practice - Damanate! Who doesn't like to Kendama right? We sure do! When we first got hooked on Kendamas they were hard to find and most people were selling only a few basic colors. We decided that we wanted to have sell all sizes, types, and colors of kendamas...
Si trovano trick sia di clave che con le palline
per chi vuole godere dei video e sa che alcune cose non le farà mai
Il sito non è di facile navigazione, ma se si clicca nei punti giusti si trovano svariate figure!
Le "papillon" est au contact ce que la "cascade 3 balles" est au jonglage classique; c'est donc la figure à apprendre pour débuter le jonglage de contact. Dans sa version basique c'est une figure assez simple, mais on peut la compliquer en y rajoutant un changement de main ou bien une second
Un sito, in inglese, ricco di video di tutti i generi, dove vengono spiegate magie anche di grande effetto, suddivisi per categoria: Card Magic, Coin Magic, Illusions, Street Magic, Magic Props, Gimmicked Magic, Vanishes, Extreme Card Manipulation, Mind Reading, Card Forces, Miscellaneous.