Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

12. Juggling Tutorial: Clawed 423

Uploaded By: BadCluster . Category: Bean Bags . Added on: 10 March 2012.
In this Video:
Welcome to the Clawed 423 juggling tutorial. All constructive feedback and questions wanted!

Thanks for Gballz for sponsoring me! They make great ballz! Everyone go look at the Gballz website at:

Need to know before attempting this trick:
3 ball cascade - see tutorial 1
Bonus to know:

Step 1
This is simply the juggling siteswap 423. In this instant, you do it in a columns pattern where you share the middle ball.

Step 2
Now try a clawed column. It is quite difficult to get this pattern stable and even I, however amazing I am at juggling *cough*, can't get too many catches with it. But that's OK, the trick we're doing only involves 2 catches of it in each hand so an ability to do some of it will do.

Step 3
Now try a clawed 423. I know that's already the trick but as you learn to do this, you'll probably find your spare hand which was doing this clawing previously continues its clawing movement. This is the fake movement on the next step of the trick.

All Together
To do the full trick from step 3, you simply add a fake shaking movement to your hand that is not doing anything. You can experiment with the fake shaking movement, some like to add a smaller claw catch there or others add a more difficult catch. Tim Kelly uses a fork catch and then claws it down!

Thanks for watching.
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