Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

16. Juggling Tutorial: Windmill

Uploaded By: BadCluster . Category: Bean Bags . Added on: 10 March 2012.
In this Video:
Welcome to the Windmill juggling tutorial. All constructive feedback and questions wanted!

Thanks for Gballz for sponsoring me! They make great ballz! Everyone go look at the Gballz website at:

Need to know before attempting this trick:
3 Ball Cascade - see tutorial 1
Underarm throw
Overhead throw
Bonus to know:
Mills' Mess - see tutorial 2

Step 1
Do a standard 3 balls cascade. Whilst doing that, try adding occassional underarm throws and get a feel for that.

Step 2
Work on step 1 until you are confident with it and proceed to make continuous underarm throws.

Step 3
Now try an overhead throw. Work on it to get it continuous, forming a half shower pattern.

All Together
To get the final trick, combine steps 2 and 3 together so you have one hand doing continuous underarm throws and the other, continuous overhead throws.

Thanks for watching.
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