Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

Evento di Nordic Juggling Convention 2015

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Nordic Juggling Convention 2015

Nordic Juggling Convention 2015

Nordic Juggling Convention 2015

Nordic Juggling Network (NJN) has been established 2011 to promote juggling in Nordic countries. NJN’s main purpose is to organize Nordic juggling Convention yearly with local associations/organisations and to collect history of Nordic juggling. Nordic Juggling Network main goals: Organize Nordic Juggling Conventions (NJC) yearly in nordic countries with local associations/organisations, To care about Nordic juggling history by gathering the history of Nordic juggling and keeping that information updated, To promote juggling as hobby and artform in Nordic countries and Europe.

NJN will have all the archives and information of Nordic juggling. We believe this will help us to keep our our tradition and our culture alive and to get even more people involved.

The special strength in juggling is that it is versatile physical expression that is not based on any spoken language. Therefore the art form serves as a source of wellbeing that can be shared by all age groups – especially appealing to children and young people – and that has a quality of building a stronger sense of community.

here are few national conventions and many other juggling conventions happening in Nordic countries.
The Nordic Juggling Convention (NJC) has been happening already for 26 years.

At beginning of 2011, Nordic Juggling Network was founded to develop a supportive and active Nordic network of organizations/companies in order to improve the conditions and the opportunities for the Nordic Juggling Conventions.

Now NJN would be the main organizator of NJC every year to state that NJC project is not just one convention happening once a year, maybe, but that it is a project that has been on for 26 years.

NJN will take organizations from Nordic countries as members and help them organize alway better NJC:s. The NJN office would share all past budgets etc. information. NJC doesn’t need to start from scratch every year.

We can do it better together.

NJN makes Nordic juggling community stronger.

Conventions, Eventi e Festival
22 Mag 2015 alle 00:00 - 25 Mag 2015 alle 00:00 Europe/Amsterdam
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