Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

Evento di Brückler Frühsommer Jonglierconvention

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Brückler Frühsommer Jonglierconvention

Brückler Frühsommer Jonglierconvention

Brückler Frühsommer Jonglierconvention

The convention will take place early summer with the common circus days for children organized by the association for artistic diversity, which was established for this purpose in 2014 to life. The assosiacion forma artistic diversity organizes for the first time the children and youth circus days. There will be a circuspedagogic offer for all those who want to try all the various disziplines. A long weekend offers the opportunity to try out the basic circus techniques, learn new skills, improve or just to have fun. The crowning glory is the Gala Show Deluxe on 06/06/2015 in Community House Brückl, where then the professional artists show off their skills and invite to look at.




At long Fronleichnahmswochenende From 06/04/2015 - 7.6.2015


At 13 o`clock (Should tour kids go to the children's circus days, please select "circus days" and read the regular start)


Sunday at 14 o`clock for common clearance

Who can stay longer, is sincerely for common Äufräumen invited (on Monday is back to school 'and we must leave no trace)


The Convention will be held in 9371 Brückl, a small town between St.Veit / Glan and Völkermarkt (15km distance to both), 25km from the state capital Klagenfurt. The exact location in place Brückl turns out until after Christmas, but no matter where it should be, it is super !!!

Training options:

There is definitely a large training hall and also an outdoor area, large stage for gala show, chill area, toddlers area, extra airspace for the children's circus days, Bar etc.


Where and how to sleep, also turns out until after Christmas ... For those who would like to book a hotel room: There is the possibility of directly in the breakfast or dinner restaurant to rent a room. When booking please state that you are jugglers,then there is a Special Discount.

Restaurant Schattleitner St. Veiter Str. 1 9371 Brückl Tel: 0043 (0) 4214 2241


The admission price included breakfast of Fr.-So. This is at our local Co - operation Café - Restaurant Schattleitner. It is situated within walking distance of the convention away.

In the afternoon there are homemade cakes and coffee to buy at the Convention Centre, there are drinks at the bar. (At fair prices) Maybe also a stand of food sharing is set up, but this is still uncertain.

BILLA and SPAR are located in the immediate vicinity.

In the evening, there's an opportunity in the Café -Restaurant Schattleitner to buy a dinner. Delicious food fair prices

Prices & Reservation

4 Days (three nights) 40 € / 45 €

3 Days (two nights) 32 € / 37 €

2 Days (one night) 25 € / 30 €

1 Day (no overnight stay) 10 €

*without notice when you write until 15.5. an reservation mail. For succesfull apointment please sent a mail with below info at

Name, first name:

date of birth:

How long I stay:

E- Mail:

Telephone No. :

Up to 12 years free

(To all children and adolescents from 9 years up to 18 years: perhaps you like to join the children's circus days here but prior registration is required See circus days ! )

Getting there

9371 Brückl

After Christmas, there is the exact address

By train, bus:

By Car:

There will be place for parking in the village

Galashow Deluxe

The Gala Show Deluxe takes place the 06.06.2015 at 19:30 in Community House on Saturday Brückl

There are many artists from different nations and circus schools flaunt their talent (among others from France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Peru and Colombia)



Schedule is coming soon

What is up now is:

  • breakfast

  • dinner

  • Open Stage

  • Renegate

  • Jolleyballturnier

  • Bouncingball Workshop

  • Partner acrobatics Workshop

  • Modern dance Workshop

  • Build yourself your Hulahoop + Basics in Hoopen Workshop

  • Aerial acrobatics (cloth) workshop for beginners

  • Aerial acrobatics (cloth) Workshop for advanced (depending on the skill of the participants)

  • Knüpfkurs for young and old

  • Juggling for beginners

  • juggle numbers

  • Workshop de interactive juggling

  • Workshop de principles of movement with Alessandro Sacchi

Who wants to be a workshop ???

(Applications like under Is there someone experienced circus that would like to help as an assistant in the children's circus workshops?); background-size: 100% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Days of Circus

The assosiacion forma artistic diversity organizes for the first time the children and youth circus days. There will be a circuspedagogic offer for all those who want to try all the various disziplines. A long weekend offers the opportunity to try out the basic circus techniques, learn new skills, improve or just to have fun. The crowning glory is the Gala Show Deluxe on 06/06/2015 in Community House Brückl, where then the professional artists show off their skills and invite to look at.

Who ?

Children and adolescents 9-18 Jahre


4.6.2015 − 6.6.2015

How exactly running it of ?

Physically warming up, playing games and to train independent and with a guide, is part of every discipline. We meet daily for breakfast together at 8:30 clock in the Café - Restaurant Schattleitner. There is breakfast cozy and there are questions and the daily routine clarified.


Daily routine of Mon - Sat:

09:30 − 09:45 Willing and meet with group leaders

09:45 − 11: 15 1st Workshop

11:30 − 13:00 2nd Workshop

13:00 − 13:45 Lunch Break

13:45 − 15:15 to meet with group leaders and it goes to the 3rd Workshop

15:30 − 17:00 4th Workshop

On Saturday since you, your parents, grandparents, relatives and friends cordially invited at 19:30 clock to free big Gala Show Deluxe in community house Brückl Deluxe!

How many students for group are there ?

There will be a maximum number of groups of 12-15 participants.

A circus group experienced guide accompanies the group from station to station and acts as Asistent in the various workshops.

What workshops are offered ?

Exact details coming soon ....

Until now's for sure:

  • Juggling with balls, basic and advanced

  • Pyramids

  • Aerial acrobatics (ie silks)

  • Unicycle

  • Diabolo

Who is teaching ?

It exclusively teach circus educators, aspiring circus educators, and experienced people in the children and youth circus.


Details coming soon...

What should to bring ?

The utensils (such as balls, unicycles, diabolos, etc.), we ask for you ready! (Including sponsored by the Summer Circus School in Graz!) .You Just have athletic clothing (long pants) and footwear (for unicycle course) bring.

Where is trained ?

9371 Brückl

The exact location, hall, etc will be announced after Christmas

Details coming soon....

How much does it cost ?

The association for artistic diversity charged a fee of 40 € for the entire three days, and breakfast insurance

Is reservation required ?

Yeeeeeeesssss sure !!! Only with appointment attendance at the circus days is possible.

Please fill in PDF forms and send it to with Subject: circus days Send your application is completed only after the successful transfer of the cost contribution to the following account. Coming soon ....

Cleo E. Jaimes Arce, circus teacher, artist and director of the association is looking forward to meet you at this great event!

Please understand for the missing information. The outstanding details will be completed by Christmas !!

Staying Overnight

The children and young people have the opportunity to stay with a companion on terrain. There is also the opportunity for all children over 15 years to stay with a consent form and a valid copy of the passport of the parent with written on the site. Please download the below PDF form here

Pdf Form here !

Conventions, Eventi e Festival
04 Giu 2015 alle 00:00 - 07 Giu 2015 alle 00:00 Europe/Amsterdam
9371 Brückl, Kärnten (Carinthia)
Amministratori Evento

Partecipanti Confermati

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