Vova Galchenko
Vova Galchenko
Persona di riferimento: Vova Galchenko
Stato: Russia
On September 15th, 1987 residents of Penza, USSR, Vasili and Tatiana Galchenko had a baby boy. They named him a common name... common Russian name that is: Vova. Three years later came his baby sister, Olga, soon followed by the fall of the Soviet Union. In order for the siblings to avoid getting in trouble in the streets during the 'perestroika' era, their parents encouraged them to take part in a wide variety of activities. From foreign languages to pull-ups, from math and sciences to juggling, they did it all. Thanks to Vasili's dedication to documenting his children's upbringing, today we have some footage of what Vova and Olga worked on
Categoria: Compagnie, Gruppi e Artisti