Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

About Manipulation

  • 1551 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: moon . Categoria: Special Projects . Aggiunto il: 25 Giugno 2012. Posizione Monaco di Baviera
In questo Video:
"About Manipulation" is a project wanted by Ministry of Manipulation. We've tought there a lot of videos with people playing, and so few videos with people talking about their experiences and ideas in contact juggling. We would like to show you what's behind a contact juggler, and what he lives with this amazing art. Hope you'll like it...Please feel free to share it wherever you want..thanks for watching - Emanuele Marchione - Production Manager - - Stefano Ricci - Editing&Filming - - Federico Tasso - Filming&Assistance -

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