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Hula Hoop Basics: Upper Body, Torso & Chest : Hula Hoop Basics: Torso Hooping

  • 786 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Hula Hoops . Aggiunto il: 05 Giugno 2012.
In questo Video:
When hula hooping with the torso, the hoop can be drooped from neck or arms to torso and around the chest with or without using the arms. Become a better hula hooper with the tips in this free video on working out with a hula hoop from a professional hooping instructor.

Expert: Hannah Mooney
Bio: Sisters Kamala Mathis and Hannah Mooney teach classes in staff, double staff, contact staff, hoop, fire eating and fans at Fire Groove in Los Angeles.
Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
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