Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

Counting Escalator Steps (Wes Peden)

  • 717 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Clave e Torce . Aggiunto il: 03 Aprile 2012.
In questo Video:
TITLE: Counting Escalator Steps

IDEA: I am trying to use what i find in juggling quickly and get on to the next thing to keep it interesting for me and other juggling enthusiasts. So i felt like i needed to make this video so the juggling didn't get forgotten and lost.

club from:

if you dig this video and want to see more work like it check out my new video "Plaid"

here is the trailer.

wes peden wes peden wes peden wes peden
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