Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria

Happy Oree Friends - Pretty Trippy Party

  • 1048 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Unconventional Juggling . Aggiunto il: 06 Aprile 2012.
In questo Video:
A full length collaboration film featuring mostly Israeli and non Israeli jugglers and performers. The dream like story takes the viewer from the carpentry where Oree himself was created by his father to a surrealistic journey. While traveling in his own mind using his imagination Oree meets several bizarre characters, each one master a different Juggling prop. It took a year and a half to create the film which was shot in Israel, Italy, Spain and other locations across Europe.
The plot is not liniary and hazy at times which gives a sense of confusion and fantasy.
All of the participants (A-Z):
Aaron Tobiass, Ayal Benin, Bar Mualem, Boaz Nir-Shallom, Daniel Bareket, Dekel Azulay, Edgar Groll, Lorenzo Mastropietro, Neta Oren, Noam Geller, Ori Roth, Pavel Evsukevich, Ron Beeri, Tavo Del Prato, Uri Zelig, Yaniv Eliash, Yuval Roth.

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Created in October 2010
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