Play Juggling - Negozio di Giocoleria


  • 1158 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Contact Juggling e Body Rolling . Aggiunto il: 06 Giugno 2012.
In questo Video:
Warning/disclaimer !!
In USA the art of contact juggling is now being marketed to the public as "Fushigi : Magic Gravity Ball"...
I do not support Fushigi nor use Fushigi Balls or any Fushigi products.
Fushigi is an attempt to rebrand this art form for profit.
Fushigi balls will not perform magic on their own, it takes a learned set of skills and techniques to make these balls seem to float as they do.
This can be done with any Contact Juggling ball.
Contact Juggling can be picked up and enjoyed right away but it takes time to truly master.
For more information about the art of contact juggling,
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