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Beginner Crystal Sticks Juggling : Crystal Sticks Juggling: Over Under

  • 1011 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Devil Sticks e Flower Sticks . Aggiunto il: 06 Giugno 2012.
In questo Video:
In crystal stick juggling, the "over under" is a difficult trick that requires a lot of practice. Do the "over under" when juggling crystal sticks with tips from a juggler in this free video on juggling for beginners.

Expert: Isaac Shivvers
Bio: Isaac Shivvers has been juggling for about three years and has been affiliated with the Des Moines Juggling Society in Iowa, the Harvard University Juggling Club, and the MIT Sunday Juggling Club.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
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